How to Submit Community Unban Request

Started by Trainkidkris, Jul 09, 2021, 05:33 AM

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Got banned from the OBND community? What did you do to deserve the ban? What have you learned from those mistakes? Why do you think we should invest time into removing your community jail time? Did you rage quit and not think about the consequences of your actions?

Everyone makes mistakes in life. However, IT IS YOUR JOB TO RESPECT THE RULES SET HERE ON OBND. We have a strict zero-tolerance policy members must follow to ensure that the community is kept in a respectful manner.

The community of OBND falls under the following social media pages:
1. Facebook Group and Like page
2. Twitter
3. Instagram
4. YouTube 
Please read the following notes listed below when submitting unban request. [OBND reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at anytime. Members who are banned are not guaranteed a second chance!]

The following notes below affects your appeal notice:

NOTE (1) Your attitude/Date-Time of ban/Reason/Number of offenses after the first ban/Years of service with OBND affects your unban appeal.
NOTE (2) Your not guaranteed to be unbanned because you wrote an unban request. If you didnt put effort into explaining why we should give you a second chance expect the response "No" to be responded to your appeal.
NOTE (3) Your unban request may take time of up to a month or more to evaluate. We may ask you to reapply for an unban at a later time if we come to the agreement that unbanning you isn't a good choice for the future of the group.
NOTE (4) Certain offenses cant be forgiven and will result in permanent suspension from the group itself.
NOTE (5) OBND holds the right to deny you with or without reason.
NOTE (6) Your actions while appealing will be viewed. Joining other groups and giving information about OBND will result in Note#4

Please follow the guide below how to write an unban request: Please copy the numbers and questions and answer them when requesting a unban. Failure to follow will result in your unban being nulled and voided!!

(1) Name?:
(2) Date of Ban?:
(3) Reason why you have been Banned?:
(4) What have you learned from being Banned?:
(5) What caused you to commit this offense?:
(6) What admin has banned you? If unknown put N/A:
(7) Length of Ban?:
[8] Have you committed other offense that you have not mentioned in this request form? Warning! [Failure to disclose will result in Note's #3 and 4 being administered]

The information here is subjected to revisions/edits by the OBND Administration and Coordination team! Updated (07/09/2021)

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