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Yooooo! Where did you get that R160? May i have the link if it's public!
Openbve Development / Re: How do you make animated s...
Last post by E-man-25 - Jul 13, 2021, 10:45 AM
Quote from: jgaming12 on Jul 02, 2021, 03:48 AMHow do you make animated stripmaps on a r142a?
This is a very advanced topic , must be very experienced at coding animated files from scratch in order to even get a sniff of what it takes to make one
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To create animated strip maps you need to understand how to code functions within the .animated file. If you have no knowledge in this field then your gonna have to go learn it first before getting deep within this topic.
Openbve Development / How do you make animated strip...
Last post by jgaming12 - Jul 02, 2021, 03:48 AM
How do you make animated stripmaps on a r142a?
I understand that. However, if you look at the bottom of my original post, method 2, is my own version over OpenBVE, that I uploaded, with my own content that I have accessed over the years, (BroadwayNassauR160, so that certain people who don't want to constantly ask for content, won't have to as this package has most of the released content.

Quote from: SP1900 on Mar 23, 2021, 09:07 AMOpenBVE stable versions now come as an installer package which lets you install it like any other program

Simply download from the official website:

Now in response to your comment, for those that decided to go that route, can download this version (BroadwayNassauR160 as well and then migrate all of the dependencies, objects, trains, etc. to the other, more updated, stable versions of OpenBVE. In the future I will make sure to update as much and as best I can so that our community can have everything we need for future events/announcements. So stay tuned for that.

I said this to you. You need to curve the rail using .curve. When you curve the rail for player 0 "ALL RAILs IN THE WORLD WILL MOVE AND YOU WILL NEED TO CREATE AN OPTICIAL ILLUSION or shift them using the rail command I just gave you"

Openbve Development / Re: How to curve a new rail an...
Last post by Moonoo1234 - May 16, 2021, 02:13 PM
thank you. It worked but the train keeps going straight instead of following the curves track. Is there a fix to this?
We for 1 I don't know about thing shitting the rail related. But to shift your rail as I said you will need to  move them a certain distance every 25 meters till you get your desired shape. This means you can do this.

3000,.rail 1;4
3025,.rail 1;7
3050,.rail 1;9
3075,.rail 1;11
4000,.rail 1;13

You shift the rails you want with to move a certain distance to get your desired shape.
Openbve Development / Re: How to curve a new rail an...
Last post by Moonoo1234 - May 15, 2021, 10:13 PM
so what command do i use to shit the rail every 25m
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